School Fees


Materials and Services: $100


Tuition: $150

Annual Fee: $250

Reception  - Year 6 

Materials and Services: $150


Tuition: $200

Annual Fee: $350

Year 7  - Year 10 

Materials and Services: $150


Tuition: $230

Annual Fee: $380

SACE Stage 1 & 2

(Yrs 11 & 12)

Materials and Services: $150


Tuition: $350

Annual Fee: $500

Multiple Sibling Discount

The following Multiple Sibling Discount is applicable to the PAGS families who have more than two children enrolled at the school.

3rd child - 10% discount on Tuition Fee Portion

4th child - Materials & Services Fee only (100% discount on Tuition fee)

Compulsory School Uniform

Uniforms are compulsory for all students (minimum of 1 Polo top plus 1 Winter Hoodie or Jacket).

Year Round Polo Top


Winter Hoodie


Winter Jacket


Long Sleeve Polo Top


Bucket Hats
